Thursday 28 July 2016

Going back in time...

St Michaels Church, Langata

I find myself in Langata at 4pm with my mmmm, why not visit our old church St Michaels?? Good idea!!!!…so off we go

Challenge is, there are so many buildings that have mushroomed here until we are not sure of the route anymore. After getting to deadends, we finally decide to drive through Ngei estate via Otiende, and it all starts coming back to me. I wonder how we walked all the way to this church….its seems far away from where  we lived… sis reckons that since that was the only option we had, we had to get to it! As we drive slowly through Ngei, she points at a house where her friend stayed and she says maybe her folks still stay there – and what do you know, a lady at the gate with a head full of silver/white hair is looking at something across the road, and my sis say, alar, that’s her mum!!

The church looks pretty much the same! We say a prayer inside and take a walk around it….not too big. The guards must be wondering, eh, and what do these women want on this odd Thursday afternoon?? One guy actually follows us into the church…can never be too sure these days, cant blame him. There is a secondary school next to the church…doesn’t look familiar….

We take some photos


I recall a Priest who used to take us to Safari Park hotel (before it was renovated) for swimming on Saturdays or was in Sundays?? Not sure anymore….goodness, that was YEARS ago!! The mama who used to sing loudly and off key? i probably am that Mama now!! hehehehehe

My sis recalls singing in the choir and that she is still in touch with some friends from the choir, wow

Very major #TBT for us!!!!

Prayer to St Michael, the Arch Angel

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

 God bless St Michael’s parish, Amen!



Tuesday 26 July 2016

Me Time


House is silent…I have battled with the kids to go to bed…please Mum, one more story….Mum...I need some water….Mum…my leg is paining…oh the excuses! The list is endless…good thing, they really go off like a light…after all the resistance and I get them into their beds, 5min later, am back to the seating room for some me time!!


The house is silent

I can watch news…but with the constant updates on social media I feel I have the necessary highlights. And anyways the analysis and counter analysis on matters politics is not something I want to consume during my me time!!

So maybe some Nigeria movie…I have come to like to the ones that are in a rural setting….and as I flip through the channels,  I catch one….that is just starting….lucky me! Oh and Genevivie Nnaji herself has the lead role…this should be interesting…I read old newspapers  as I watch the movie….it’s got an interesting plot…

2am….part IV of the movie is about to start – eh these guys can stretch a movie….this definitely is not good for me…I will be a zombie next day… I pull myself from the chair, consoling myself that a repeat will be on TV anytime soon! So much for me time….now am truly exhausted and sleepy!

Saturday 23 July 2016

Comedy Nite!

So the other day my sister was in town and we thought, mmmm long time since we watched Churchill Live, so why not….off we trooped to Carnivore for a good laugh

We laughed alright….the new acts were funny…..and we laughed hard!!

BUT what was disturbing was the way in which MC Jessy ‘enjoyed’ the visiting South African musician. And she even sensed it and kept saying that I don’t believe what you are telling me! That was in bad taste! I was embarrassed to even watch it unfold…..waaaaaaaaaaaaa…… The audience was laughing at her!!! Adding salt to injury, he made very inappropriate comments to a lady clad in a hijab, it was uncalled for and utterly immature of him!! I was so annoyed!!! Eish!!! 

Other than that very strange episode I came to a REALISATION! I have outgrown these ‘tribal’ stereotypical jokes. They can’t even get a smile from me!! I know it takes a lot to prepare to  entertain people and I can only imagine what it takes to prepare for Thursday comedy…and I also know  that our wonderful cultural differences make for rich fodder/ material for comedy..... but it’s no longer for me! I need a different brand of comedy!!

SO I enjoyed the ones for situations like the one beautifully crafted by MCA Tricky…regarding visit to Parliament! That was hilarious and of course the young man with his string instrument and eerily seems like its talking!! Talent, raw and refreshing
 Cheers to laughter always, its indeed the best dawa!

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Last possible minute....

Am not a last minute person

I try and prepare in advance and leave the surprises for the last minute

If I have a flight, especially one that is early morning, believe you me, I will pack everything the night before and be ready to go before I sleep. I will check in online! I will set my alarm to an appropriate time....

Now now now....when they say opposites attract, I think we (S and I ) are a classic example

Yaani, S has a very early morning flight and we all wake up at 3 am to do the packing, iron some shirts, look for safety boots, and where is that novel he was to read....have you seen the power bank?? what about the charger??!! exhausting to be frantic so early in the morning....much as I have tried, I cant change this in him. Best i can do is assume what he will carry and keep them within range so he confirms which ones he will take this time round...& I set the alarm .....

and when all this is done off we dash to the airport barely making it...him reassuring me....ahh we are on time!.....and no, we didnt check in online!!!!!!!

Lesson learnt, you cant change dont get hot and bothered about it, just roll with the flow (while biting fingernails)... :)

Thursday 14 July 2016


Ah the frustrations of dealing with jua kali/ fundis!

So I needed a tailor for my kitenge - I was referred to this guy and I thought, oh well...I can always try him with this piece and if he prooves to be any good, then he becomes my official tailor.

Well he seemed to understand the kind of design I wanted, a peplum top - simple enough- and yes, he confirmed the fabric I had was enough. He took measurements, we agreed on price...then he said...come for it after one wife will be like, eh?? he says, yes, my wife is the one who makes the clothes but at another site, I just sell them from this point. I was like, aiii.....isnt part of the process is to look at how the client actually looks like??

Sure enough when I came back for the top, the peplum part looks like a doesn't lie the ones worn by traditional already plus size, dont need more plus!!!..

Reminds me of another tailor who slowly took measurements for my trouser and made a tiny one that could fit me probably when i was 10!!!! and he looked at me, looked at the trouser, shook his head (with hand on chin for effect) and said...kweli hii ni ndogo (for sure this one is small)!!!!!!! and he is the one who took the measurements!! aiiiiiii....back to my expensive tailor!!

Lesson: cheap is expensive :)

Ukereketwa aka Advocacy

Advocacy...I was introduced to this big word in 1998 when I joined COVAW ...the organisation worked on womens human rights and the basic assumption was that everyone in the office was an activist...even if you are the Adminstrator!!

So here I was, a young impressionable lady....and activists like Hon Millie Odhiambo, Hon Adelina Mwau, L. Muthoni Wanyeki, Atsango Chesoni, Anne Gathumbi, Jackline Anam, Antonina Njau were the board members and the kind of hands on people who  called often and asked for this and that to be done. First of all, since this was not my circle before joining COVAW, I really didnt consider them big wigs in advocacy!!

Years later, is when i came to realise that I was among greats!

My initial encounter with advocacy work was the 1998 16 Days campaign...that was in November and I had joined two months earlier. The work we had to do...goodness!! The press statements had to be done and words/ phrases like 'condemn in the strongest possible terms' ...'demand that'...were the order of the day. I used to wonder whether a small agency like this can make such demands to big government offices! Dont they risk arrest or something serious like that?

Now the landscape has changed. Human rights are being violated left right and center; the press statements we used to write could get to the concerned public officer but not always to the public. The best we got was a mention in an article in the newspaper...sometimes depending on the issue, the entire Media brief is published! we celebrate....but honestly nothing visible was seen after that..almost like a PR stunt....that we didnt keep quiet when the issue was 'hot'. Today we tweet and the issue can easily trend globally - concerned officers dont want their names splashed all over the internet as being unconcerned

Today I make a statement #IamWillie...I may not be able to go on the streets but am with the wakereketwa 150%. May Justice prevail


Monday 11 July 2016

Who is my neighbour??

Sunday reading was about the Good Samaritan

Gospel Lk 10:25-37
"And who is my neighbor?"
Jesus replied,
"A man fell victim to robbers
as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead.
A priest happened to be going down that road,
but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
Likewise a Levite came to the place,
and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him
was moved with compassion at the sight.
He approached the victim,
poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them.
Then he lifted him up on his own animal,
took him to an inn, and cared for him.
The next day he took out two silver coins
and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction,
'Take care of him.
If you spend more than what I have given you,
I shall repay you on my way back.'
Which of these three, in your opinion,
was neighbor to the robbers' victim?"
He answered, "The one who treated him with mercy."
Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
....and i loved that this message was also passed to the children in Sunday school - so I asked youngest one (3.5yrs) what did you learn?? '...mtu alimia...alikua chini...' and the rest was colouring...he didnt add that we need to show extend Gods mercy to others......but thats ok for now, I guess??