Tuesday 28 November 2017

STEEL the same..

so 11years anniversary is a Steel anniversary

I knew this last week as we marked our  11 years in marriage

We thank God immensely for grace and providence

And not one to shy away from marking milestones, amazing Watamu was the destination of choice

and Watamu did not dissapoint

wow wow wow

here are some pics!!

all this made possible by the Amazing DreamTrips Club we belong to; we can book affordable holidays and enjoy amazing destinations!!

cheers to many more!

Thursday 23 November 2017

All in a name -GOLDEN GIRL

So KCPE2017 results are out

and the top student is a gal

and a girl called Goldalyn

she and her proud parents are invited for an interview  on CITIZEN TV

they are visibly bursting with pride, their third born child is on top of the pack!!!!

when asked, why the name, the father didn't flinch

he was clear in his mind

he saw his new born angel, saw the way the mother was tense at having birthed a baby with albinism, and he decided this one is our GOLD!

oh what a name!!

what a prophesy!!

the girl is confident and brighter than a star

(Her quote, you succeed with your PHD, Prayer Hardwork and Determination)

this one is going places

such pride

such honour

May the Lord go before her

May her path always be smooth

Well Done Goldy!!

Wednesday 1 November 2017


So am in an uber

I have been staring at the comp whole day

so decide to stare at images at a distance

am told thats a good way to exercise tired eyes

my eyes focus on the street lights

we are on the by pass

fast heading towards the interchange at Ole Sereni

suddenly deja vue

All of us piled into the car

circa. 1983

taking Mum to work, in Kenyatta National Hospital

night duty used to start at 8 I think

cant remember much after that

oh well

back to reality